Monday, December 25, 2006


A new year is approaching! Welcome, 2007.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

My LULU store

Go visit my LULU store:

Friday, September 22, 2006

For sample of pages from this book, go to: A Touching of Twilight(Was called: The Winning of My Soul.") Here is the blurb: She fights the change from normal woman to wild shapeshifter. She struggles to be the master of her body, that beast. Then she meets Paul and falls in love, but will the creature within allow her to love him?
First three paragraphs:
It wasn’t because of their looks that I didn’t like Clyde Holcombe, and Heath Ackart. No, they were presentable enough. Heath was husky, swarthy skinned, black haired with eyes just as ebony colored. He wasn’t as tall as Aaron, but he came close, and he weighed a great deal more. Clyde was short, turning plump. He had dark auburn hair and green eyes. His hair hung long. He always kept it tied back. Clyde was always laughing. It didn’t matter there was no reason for the sounds of mirth. He saw laughter in everything. No, it wasn’t their looks that made me mistrust them; I just did. I could never pin point the reasons; I just knew I never had confidence in them. Neither did the beast within me. I had to battle to keep it confined.
Fighting the change was never easy for me, though I had done it often enough. I was a child when it first happened. The woods near my home were off bounds to me, but of course, being a normal youngster, I went into them, and that’s where I was attacked by a loup-fantasma, a wolf-ethereal, a werewolf-phantom. My father saw me go in. Afraid, he had followed me, saw the attack, and killed the beast, but the bite was so large and I was so small, I changed for the first time that night. I knew my mother was frightened of my alteration from normal child to wild shape shifter the first time, scared of me. In her eyes, I was a savage, a manslayer. I never wanted to scare her again. That’s when I began my fight against the beast. To keep it from controlling me, I had to control it. Often, the beast within struggled violently to come out and I battled just as vehemently to keep it contained.
This time, I was losing; I could feel that. Before it happened, I had to get away from Clyde and Heath. I did not want them to see; I did not want them to know. That knowledge would prove a power over me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Books Available Now ! !

Danger by Moonlight Finished and available! This is a historical novella. This story takes place in the 1700's: The king takes the estate from Will Cartwright and gives it to an upstart called Abner Barclays. Abner has a daughter, Sadie, a shy fifteen year. He is abusive towards her. Will pretends to be a stable hand so he can remain on the estate. He often steps in when Barclays becomes too abusive. He is the Night Hawk, a Robin Hood type who robs from the rich and gives to the poor, but must hide it for the king is after him. The girl developes first a crush and then desire towards him. They begin a love affair. This is a novella of 19,000 words. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Daughter of the Second Son Book finished but not yet taken This is a sci-fi romance. Racine has taken care of the farming planet, Freewater, for years. Although Joseph is the heir to the entire world, he wants no part of it. He wants to spend money, not save it. He wants to travel and drink and gamble. He comes back with the ulterior motive of changing his planet to a giant gambling casino - but first - the grandfather must die. Racine and her daughter flee. They settle on the farming planet of Hanover. She falls in love with the owner of the biggest farm, a man called Cal, but she believes it is only sexual attraction he feels towards her, so she arranges to continually throw two women in Cal's path. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Choices They Made (This cover will not be on the finished book.) Book finished but not taken yet. This is a science fiction romance. John Grant has just finished his assignment for Signet and is returning to their base when his ship crashes. He is severely injured. He is allowed to go home to recuperate. On his home world, he sees Heather, a woman he loved, and she has a little girl, his little girl. John is afraid she won't allow him into the child's life, but she does. Heather has an ulterior motive: She's dying and wants John to take the girl.